Who We Train
FICPA training isn't just for CPAs - we have something for everyone in the accounting and finance industry including staff and those working in technology, business and more!
Why Choose FICPA as Your Learning Provider?
Continuing Professional Education (CPE) is more than a requirement - it's a professional resource that allows all individuals, no matter their occupation, to excel in their career and prosper as a result of gained knowledge. FICPA instructors are thought leaders in the accounting and business community. Browse our extensive CPE and Events Catalog to learn more about our offerings and to find a format that best suits you or your organization.
- Courses are led by state and nationally recognized subject matter experts.
- Members receive high-quality CPE at a discounted rates = incredible value.
- Courses are available in a variety of formats to meet your learning style.
- Our unique and niche conferences cover health care, international tax, not-for-profit, corporate finance and more.
- Coverage of compliance regulations and controller updates.
- Topics to help you improve your leadership, management, and communication skills.
- Access to professional updates and legislative activities delivered by FICPA President & CEO Shelly Weir.
- Sessions that focus on technology and process automation, and communication skills.
- Customizable training options - we come to you and build the unique training your staff needs to excel in today's challenges.
- Courses focus on a wide variety of topics ranging from tax and accounting to management and finance and more.
CPE for CPAs Working in Firms and Business Industry
Between technology shifts, talent management, challenges, and diversifying services within companies and firms, the expectations of CPAs working in the profession have expanded. Continuing education now requires training on more than accounting matters.
For professional growth, and to meet the unique challenges of your firm or company, quality CPE is crucial. Delve into the accounting, tax, compliance, and finance topics you need and receive guidance for leadership management, strategic planning, firm optimization and other professional and technical skills with our offerings.
Learning for Industry Professionals
Today, non-CPA accounting professionals are expected to broaden their knowledge and skills beyond traditional accounting and finance to include robust data analytics, artificial intelligence and the willingness to lead changes in the organizational and innovate.
Whether you work in accounting and finance, government, education, not-for-profit, or an association, the FICPA offers continuing education to aid in cultivating your skills. Our programs also allow the opportunity to build and expand your career within the industry.
Customized Training Solutions
Bring FICPA and nationally recognized thought leaders to your office for inspiring, engaging and relevant learning that will help your staff succeed. Our customized on-site learning programs let you choose the time, date, topic, and instructors that work best for you. Our team will work directly with you to bring an immersive learning experience right to your office, and we have flexible pricing options for all organization sizes. We will craft a personalized learning plan designed specifically to help more your staff and your organization forward.
A Personalized Program Designed with Your Needs in Mind
- Our courses cover the latest developments in a wide variety of topics including Florida-Specific Ethics.
- Our instructors have decades of experience in a variety of practice segments.
- Learning opportunities delivered on your terms.
- Save travel time and reduce costs.
- Make sure that the courses you receive are exactly what your office needs and expects.
- Quality instruction and content that you can't find anywhere else.
- Bring any of our virtual or live events on-site for a group viewing.
- Partner with nationally recognized CPE providers to supplement our on-site course offerings. Take advantage of the FICPA's connections to these renowned learning organizations.
- Already have an instructor on staff? We can provide the materials and discussion guides separately!

All completed FICPA courses will be added to your tracker with one downloadable Certificate of Completion that can be uploaded to DBPR.

Our Partners
We partner with nationally recognized CPE providers to supplement our on-site course offerings. Take advantage of the FICPA's connection to this renowned learning organization.
Do you have questions, comments or need additional help?
Please contact our Member Service Team at msc@ficpa.org or call 800-342-3197 or 850-224-2727.

The Florida Institute of Certified Public Accountants (FICPA) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: NASBARegistry.org.