Call for Presenters

Submit Your Proposal for These Upcoming Events:
- January - International Tax Conference (ITC) (in conjunction with the Florida Bar Tax Section)
- January - Valuation, Forensic Accounting & Litigation Services Conference (VFALS)
- April - Industry Insights Conference (IIC), featuring tracks on...
- Health Care Conference
- Not-For-Profit Conference
- Corporate Finance Conference
- June - MEGA - Our Premier Conference (MEGA) - Orlando, FL
- June - Women's Leadership Summit (WLS)- Orlando, FL
- August - Summer Vacation Cluster (SVC)- Orlando, FL
- August - State & Local Government Accounting Conference (SLGAC)- Orlando, FL
- October - Construction Industry Conference (CIC) - Virtual
- November- South Florida Accounting Conference (SFAC) - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- November- Common Interest Realty Association Conference (CIRA) - Ft. Lauderdale, FL
- November - Collegiate Accounting Symposium Conference (CAS) - Virtual, featuring sessions conducted by educators, alumni, students, and employees of Florida universities.
Criteria for Presenters
CPE attendees expect organized, well-delivered, and highly engaging presentations. FICPA CPE complies with educational standards issued by NASBA, the AICPA, and the Florida Board of Accountancy.
Speaker Proposal Criteria
Speaker proposals are evaluated objectively with consideration of the following:
- Speaker's presentation skills and experience,
- Organized, well-delivered, and highly engaging presentations,
- Innovation, audience appeal, and opportunity for participant engagement,
- The degree to which the proposed session meets the conference/program objective.
Presenter Compensation
Supporting FICPA CPE programs is a great way to share your knowledge and give back to the profession. Limited funding may be available in some instances. When granted, travel and per diem are reimbursed based on US GSA per diem rates.
Proposal Submission and Selection Notice
Please submit your proposal by completing the FICPA Application Form.
Applications may be submitted year-round. The individual conference planning committees and FICPA staff will consider your application.
The FICPA will confirm receipt of your proposal and contact you should we need more information or wish to schedule your presentation.
*If you are interested in MEGA 2025, please fill out the 2025 MEGA Call for Presenters.
For More Information
Contact: Kim Robinson, Senior Manager of Conferences at