Florida CPA/PAC
The voice of the CPA profession in Florida politics.

What is the Florida CPA/PAC?
The Florida CPA/PAC is a bipartisan committee that contributes funds to candidates who support CPA interests. The Florida CPA/PAC financially assists candidates and legislators who actively support CPA business issues - people we need in office to support the CPA profession. Every contribution is vital to create maximum impact and make our voice heard. A key factor in determining the strength of the accounting profession in Florida's political arena is the strength of the Florida CPA/PAC. Every contribution is vital to create maximum impact and give a clear, pro-business message to legislators. PAC=CPA. Without support from the PAC, the CPA license is at risk.
In 2001, The Florida CPA/PAC was separated into three geographic regions. Each chapter is "nested" into one of the three regions and members are assigned to one of the three regions based on geographic location.
- Florida CPA/PAC North - encompasses 11 chapters
- Florida CPA/PAC Central - encompasses 9 chapters
- Florida CPA/PAC South - encompasses 7 chapters
Who Governs the Florida CPA/PAC?
Its responsibilities and activities, with the exception of its day-to-day administration, are directed by a Board of Directors. Directors are geographically disbursed and politically balanced between Republicans and Democrats. All directors must be members of the Florida CPA/PAC and must be committed to analyzing candidates and promoting the Florida CPA/PAC. The directors must be sustaining members and serve without compensation.
What is the Goal of the Florida CPA/PAC?
The goal of the Florida CPA/PAC is to secure the CPAs' scope of practice and enhance CPAs' business opportunities by helping elect candidates who support CPAs. Florida CPA/PAC funds are used for contributions to support candidates running for the Florida House, Florida Senate and Florida Cabinet who support the interests of the CPA profession in Florida.
How do I become a member of the Florida CPA/PAC?
The Florida CPA/PAC has a proud tradition of success in support of business-minded candidates. Help us continue to ensure the strong presence of the CPA profession in legislative and regulatory activities by supporting the Florida CPA/PAC.
As a member of the FICPA, you have the opportunity to recommend a candidate running for the Florida House of Representatives or the Florida Senate. To do so, please have the candidate complete and return a Candidate Questionnaire.
The FICPA Governmental Affairs Team will research and review all information on the candidates and provide the information to the trustees of the Florida CPA/PAC for further discussion and evaluation.
Campaign Finance Information
Supporting Candidates
Contributions are made at various times during a two-year election cycle. Contribution decisions are based upon careful research during the election cycle supplied to the Florida CPA/PAC directors by the FICPA Governmental Affairs Team. Information is gathered from the following sources:
- Recommendations from local CPAs
- Interviews with potential candidates
- Assessment of the candidate’s position on issues of importance to Florida CPAs, or an incumbent legislator’s past performance on issues related to the CPA profession; and
- Evaluation of the “electability” of the candidate: the strength of the opposition, the candidate’s need for funds, and examination of voter registration in each legislative district.
- In addition, staff works in cooperation with other pro-business lobbying organizations to gather information on potential candidates.
Why should I get involved?
To ensure that the accounting profession continues to have a strong presence in Florida's legislative and regulatory activities, as many individuals as possible must be involved in the political process. A key factor in determining the strength of the accounting profession in Florida's political arena is the strength of the Florida CPA/PAC.
The Florida CPA/PAC financially assists candidates and legislators who actively support CPA business issues - people we need in office to support the CPA profession. Every contribution is vital to create maximum impact and give a clear, pro-business message to legislators. PAC=CPA. Without support from the PAC, the CPA license is at risk.
Who can become a member?
The Florida CPA/PAC is supported by voluntary contributions. Currently, each FICPA member is asked to make a minimum voluntary contribution of $25 per year. However, any member of the general public may apply for membership in the Florida CPA/PAC. A contribution to the Florida CPA/PAC is the fastest, simplest, most efficient way to get involved in the political process and its positive effects on the CPA profession.

Jason Harrell
Chief External Affairs Officer
Legislative & Regulatory Issues
Board of Accountancy
Florida CPA Political Action Committee

Lauren Jones
Deputy Director of Governmental Affairs
Legislative & Regulatory Issues
Advocacy Communications
Florida CPA Political Action Committee

Brayden Harrell
Legislative Affairs & Governance Manager
Legislative & Regulatory Issues
Advocacy Communications
Florida CPA Political Action Committee