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Member Types

Become part of a community that is 18,500 strong!


Membership Categories and Rates

There are membership categories available for both Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and non-CPAs, including all accounting and business professionals, as well as students, educators and firm administrators. Are you a third-party vendor providing goods and services to CPAs? If so, we have a category for you too. 

Join today and your membership will be active through June 30, 2025! 

Are you a newly Certified CPA? Congratulations, your membership is half off! Learn More

CPA Members

Any individual who is a licensed Certified Public Accountant in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia. CPA members who either work or reside in Florida are eligible voting members.

CPA Certified
  • Certified 5 Years or More    $210
  • Certified Less Than 5 Years   $160
Non-Resident CPA - $150

A CPA licensed in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia who is domiciled outside the state of Florida.

Retired CPA -  $60

Any individual who is sixty-five (65) years or older, has retired from the accounting profession, and either is a Certified Public Accountant licensed in any state or territory of the United States or the District of Columbia or was so licensed at any time during the past ten (10) years. Such person affirms that they do not prepare tax returns, perform compilations, perform accounting or auditing work, prepare reviews, work full-time in any capacity—in audit, tax, any related accounting function, business or industry, consultancy, or provide MAS services for a fee in excess of 500 hours in a twelve (12) month period. There is not a restriction of hours worked on a volunteer basis. 

Affiliate Members

Any non-CPA individual not currently holding an active or inactive CPA license from any state or territory. Affiliate members are non-voting and are not eligible to serve on Council or standing committees.

Undergraduate Students - FREE

An undergraduate student attending a college or university majoring in accounting or finance and does not qualify for another category of membership.

Business & Accounting Educator - $75

An adjunct or full-time business, data analytics, accounting, or finance professor at a Florida college or university. The educator agrees to promote the FICPA student and CPA Candidate membership and announce upcoming FICPA student events and available career resources, along with FICPA Scholarship Foundation opportunities, to their students. They are eligible for voting rights if Educator is a CPA and living or working in Florida.

Note: An adjunct professor does not qualify for this category if jointly working as a CPA or accounting and finance professional

Professional Affiliate - $650

An individual who is not a licensed CPA, does not qualify for Corporate Organizational membership, or any other membership categories. This category is reserved for individuals working for organizations that provide services or products to/for accountants and finance professionals. Such an individual may not offer any tax of other accounting services to the public. In addition, an eligible Professional Affiliate must provide a letter of recommendation from a Florida Licensed CPA who is a current FICPA member in good standing or two reference letters from adjacent professions (ex. law, banking, finance).

Learn More and Join Today

Accounting & Finance Professional - $108

Open to industry-related non-CPA professionals working in a professional accounting or finance position, who are not approved to sit for the CPA exam or eligible to sit for the exam by the DBPR in Florida and does not qualify for another category of membership. These members are eligible to serve on a general committee.

CPA Candidate  (exam eligible)- $25

A college graduate with a degree in accounting or finance that is currently listed with the Board of Accountancy as "Eligible for Exam" or CPA "Application in Process" and does not qualify for another category of membership.

Firm Admin/Office Mgr - FREE

An individual who is designated as a firm administrator or office manager and does not hold a CPA certificate and does not qualify for a different category of membership. The entity must employ at least one active FICPA CPA member.

Does Your Employer Pay or Reimburse You For Your Membership?

Many do!  If you're not sure whether your firm/company has already arranged to pay for your membership, please check with your administrator or email

If your organization would like to be part of our Firm 100% Membership and receive personalized service and a simplified billing to renew membership, please contact us at to learn more.

Rights and Privileges of Membership

As a valued member of the FICPA you'll have access to many of the "rights and privileges" of the membership category you qualify for and many benefits, including:

  • Belonging to the largest CPA and finance community in Florida.
  • Legislative representation in Tallahassee and Washington.
  • Benefits from special rates on products and services.
  • Receiving discounts on CPE/professional development.
  • Gaining access to valuable resources to enhance your career and much more.

Learn More About Your Membership Rights and Privileges

Member Benefits & Questions

Do you have a question regarding member benefits or membership in the FICPA? We're here to help!

Please contact Member Services at or call 800-342-3197, ext.1.