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CPE Catalog & Events

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New Staff: Core Concepts - Nuts and Bolts: Preparation, Compilation, and Review Engagements

Available Until


2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

This CPE course can be purchased individually, or as a part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff training bundle. In this CPE self-study course, learn the elements, performance requirements, and documentation expectations for preparation engagements, compilation engagements, and review engagements. Although these procedures are not audits, they typically involve similar concepts, just at a lesser level of assurance - from no assurance to limited assurance depending on the engagement.

New Staff: Core Concepts - Understanding the Audit Process

Available Until


2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

** This CPE course can be purchased individually, or as a part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff training bundle.** Understand the entire audit process, from start to finish. In this CPE self-study course, you will learn about pre-engagement activities and client acceptance all the way through concluding procedures - including procedures and standards that guide the flow of the audit. Gain knowledge about the steps related to planning, materiality, risk assessment, analytical procedures, internal controls, and walkthroughs. Be up to date with a high level overview of the new Auditor Reporting suite of Statements on Auditing Standards Nos. 134-140, as amended by SAS No. 141.

New Staff: Core Concepts - What is an Audit?

Available Until


1.5 Credits

Member Price: $89

This CPE course can be purchased individually, or as a part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff training bundle. Learn about the overall objectives of an audit, as well as common issues that are important to new staff who have little to no firm experience. In this CPE self-study course, you will explore: Who an auditor actually works for What types and levels of service firms provide Standards auditors follow and who sets those standards The peer review process Also, understand the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct, the ethical rules auditors work under.

New Staff: Core Concepts -Deepen Your Professional Skepticism

Available Until


1.5 Credits

Member Price: $89

This CPE course can be purchased individually, or as a part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff training bundle. Learn how to keep the core concepts of professional skepticism in mind at all times from the time you arrive at work to the time you depart. Following a case study, this CPE self-study course delves further into concepts related to professional skepticism, including additional factors that can impair skepticism, the role of ethics, and tools to apply your skills.

New Staff: Core Concepts- Introduction to the Audit Risk Model

Available Until


1.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff training bundle. Understand the audit risk model and how it is used at the onset of and throughout the audit process. Learn how the audit risk model works as a tool that can help peer reviewers and inspectors determine the sufficiency of procedures performed. Understand how engagement teams can do a better job of documenting their work when they consider the structure of the audit risk model and how evidence regarding procedures and findings is tabulated.

New Staff: Core Concepts- Working Papers and Working Paper Documentation in a Financial Statement Audit

Available Until


1.5 Credits

Member Price: $100

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff-training bundle. As you know, "If it's not documented, it's not done! "But don't struggle with questions related to documenting audit procedures. This CPE self-study course covers optimal techniques to prepare you for a variety of working papers that will meet the requirements of professional standards with the appropriate level of detail.

New Staff: Core Concepts: Key Character Traits and Interpersonal Skills for Auditors

Available Until


1.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Core Concepts staff-training bundle. Beyond applying accounting and auditing standards or knowing how to minimize a client's income tax liability, understand your behavioral responsibilities, to better prepare you for success in your public accounting career. Learn how to interact with your coworkers in various capacities and how to present yourself as a member of the public accounting profession, a representative of your firm, and, most importantly, yourself.

New Staff: Introduction to Internal Controls

Available Until


1.5 Credits

Member Price: $89

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Gain an understanding of the COSO Internal Control-Integrated Framework and the concept of internal control over financial reporting, which will be part of your work environment whether you are in public accounting, corporate, government, not-for-profit, or private entity auditing. Understand the role of personal certifications regarding internal control under the SarbanesOxley Act. Be up to date on expanded discussions of the COSO Points of Focus, a critical tool in evaluating the COSO Framework as well as an introduction to IT General Controls.

New Staff: Practical Application - Auditing Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses

Available Until


2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. In this course you will: Gain understanding of the accounting system necessary to plan your procedures related to purchases, payables, and accrued expenses. - Learn about the possibilities of using audit data analytics for improved quality and efficiency. Gain understanding that accounting for accounts payable and accrued expenses is typically straightforward and centered on when to recognize a liability. Through an interactive case study, practice the critical substantive test and be able to assess whether your search for unrecorded liabilities is thorough enough to gain assurance that material unrecorded liabilities have been detected.

New Staff: Practical Application - Auditing Debt

Available Until


1.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Learn about the relatively straightforward issues relating to recognition and measurement of long-term debt as well as the more challenging issues relating to presentation and disclosure. Understand the more mechanical side of auditing debt, including confirming balances, recalculating accrued interest, and the recognition of interest expense. Learn how to ensure that your working papers contain sufficient appropriate evidence to support related financial statement disclosures.

New Staff: Practical Application - Introduction to Analytical Procedures in an Audit

Available Until


1.5 Credits

Member Price: $89

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Learn key techniques and requirements regarding analytical procedures, which are one of the component audit procedures identified in the audit risk model and universally applied in every audit. Understand how - with the entire engagement team involved in the design, performance, and evaluation of analytical procedures -the procedures can be an effective trap for fraud and error and can provide audit evidence. As new staff, you will often be involved in the computational aspects of analytics. Understand how this close work may allow you to bring important insights and issues to light.

New Staff: Practical Application- Auditing Cash and Cash Equivalents

Available Until


1.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Gain an understanding of the risks typically present in major balance sheet accounts, starting with cash. Understand the client controls you will likely encounter to mitigate those risks in order to establish your risk of material misstatement (RMM).

New Staff: Practical Application- Auditing Prepaid and Other Current Assets

Available Until


1.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Gain the knowledge necessary to successfully audit prepaid and other current assets. Understand that prepaid and other current assets represent smaller individual items but may be significant to the entity nonetheless. Learn how these accounts - commonly consisting of prepaid expenses that must be recognized on a pro rata basis and other assets such as investments, short-term notes, and industry-specific transactions (for instance, costs in excess of billings) -often require complex estimates.

New Staff: Practical Application- Auditing Property, Plant, and Equipment

Available Until


2.5 Credits

Member Price: $109

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Understand how the fairly straightforward accounting for property, plant, and equipment may have unusual or complex transactions, such as exchanges, capitalized interest, or saleleasebacks. Learn how to look for events or changes in circumstances that indicate an asset may be impaired and how to communicate with other audit team members about possible signs of impairment they might have observed in their audit areas. Understand how to carefully scrutinize the underlying documentation for fixed assets to be sure that the costs should be capitalized and not expensed. Be up to date with the new lease standard to understand the new accounting treatment of leases and the common auditing procedures involved. And appreciate the potential of audit data analytics in the property, plant, and equipment cycle. Use interactive exercises and case studies to practice applying effective and efficient procedures when auditing fixed assets.

New Staff: Practical Application- Fraud Considerations in a GAAS Audit

Available Until


2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. n this CPE courses, you will gain an overview of the various types of fraud schemes you may encounter as an auditor. Learn to spot signs of fraud and how to respond appropriately if you detect fraud during an audit. Understand the entity's responsibilities for fraud awareness and prevention. And learn how audit data analytics can improve the audit with respect to fraud.

New Staff: Practical Application: Fundamentals of Using Data Analytics in an Audit

Available Until


2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - New Staff: Practical Application staff training bundle. Prepare yourself for future success in the accounting profession by learning about audit data analytics. Learn how firm audit methodologies are being enhanced to incorporate data analytics in order to improve audit quality. Gain knowledge about the concept of audit data analytics, with high-level guidance about how audit data analytics can be applied during the audit.

New Staff: Understanding the Concept of Sampling - Substantive Sampling

Available Until


1.5 Credits

Member Price: $89

This CPE course can be purchased individually or as part of the Audit Staff Essentials - Experienced Staff/New In-Charge staff training bundle. Examine the relationship between the substantive sampling application and both the overall audit strategy and the overall objective of performing a low-risk audit. Understand the common elements of relating the test results to the auditing standards requirements by exploring the auditor's reporting responsibilities - under AU-C section 260, The Auditor's Communication With Those Charged With Governance (AICPA, Professional Standards), and AU-C section 265, Communicating Internal Control Matters Identified in an Audit (AICPA, Professional Standards) - that relate to substantive sample results.

Nonprofit Taxation: Key Tax Rules

Available Until


2.0 Credits

Member Price: $78

A discussion of the latest tax provisions and their impact on non-profit entities, including charities, hospitals, and universities.

Not-for-Profit Certificate I

Available Until


40.0 Credits

Member Price: $955

Build a strong foundation for your nonprofit skills. If you work for or with a nonprofit and would like to build or refresh your knowledge of NFP financial concepts, this unique CPE program gives you the thorough grounding you're looking for. The four included tracks cover all aspects of nonprofit financial responsibility, including accounting & financial reporting, governance & assurance, and tax compliance. Courses included in this program Not-for-Profit Entity Overview Accounting and Financial Reporting Track GAAP for NFPs Financial Statement Presentation Net Assets Exchange and Agency Transactions Revenue from Contributions Assets Programmatic Investments Fair Value Issues Specific to NFPs Expenses Investments Split Interest Agreements and Endowments Liabilities Tax Compliance Track Tax Exempt Status Unrelated Business Income Tax Introduction to Form 990 Private Foundations Federal and State Filing Requirements Not-for-Profit Governance and Assurance Track Best Practices in Board Governance Risk Assessment and Internal Controls Fraud Overview and Prevention Planning the Audit Engagement Financial Oversight, Budget and Strategy Auditing Considerations Learn anytime, anywhere. Winner of Accounting Today's Best New Products award, this program contains real-world examples, case studies, and interactive problem-solving to create a flexible, dynamic learning program that can be completed anytime, anywhere. Spotlight your accomplishment online Successful completion earns a digital badge you can showcase anywhere on the web - including LinkedIn, your company's website or online resume. Your Certificate and digital badge information will be sent to you once you've completed the program.

Not-for-Profit Certificate II

Available Until


30.0 Credits

Member Price: $779

Hands-on application and strategy training for not-for-profit professionals For those with a solid foundation in the core knowledge areas of nonprofit financials, Not-for-Profit Certificate II offers the hands-on application and strategic knowledge you need to advance to the next level of nonprofit financial responsibility. Whether you work for or with a nonprofit, this 30-hour CPE program will help you apply proven best-practices to diverse nonprofit environments. Good work requires good tools This unique training program provides new and better insights to strengthen your financials, enhance your compliance with accounting rules, and implement best practices for all aspects of nonprofit financials, including accounting & financial reporting, governance & assurance, and tax compliance. Courses included in this program Not-for-Profit Certificate II - Tax Compliance Form 990 Preparation: Schedules Form 990 Preparation: Core Form Unrelated Business Income Tax (UBIT) Case Studies Maintaining Tax Exemption Not-for-Profit Certificate II - Financial Reporting Statement of Financial Position Statement of Activities Statement of Cash Flows Statement of Functional Expenses Financial Statement Note Disclosures for NFPs Interpreting and Analyzing Financial Statements Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements Not-for-Profit Certificate II - Governance and Assurance Aligning Mission and Strategy Budget Considerations for Not-for-Profits Ethical Issues in Not-for-Profits Performance Measurement for Not-for-Profits Applying the COSO ERM Framework Risk Assessment for NFP Spotlight your accomplishment online Successful completion earns a digital badge you can showcase anywhere on the web - including LinkedIn, your company's website or online resume. Your Certificate and digital badge information will be sent to you once you've completed the program. Build the practical, marketable skills you need by earning one of our popular Not-for-Profit Certificates.