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Understanding the Form 990 and its Preparation Prerequisites


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2.0 Credits

Member Price $115.00

Non-Member Price $140.00


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This "initiation to" the Form 990's mechanics and importance will help participants survive the onslaught of the Form 990's force-field! 80+% of the Form’s inputs and definitions fall outside of statutes and Regulations and their breadth can overwhelm novices and even experienced preparers.  This course provides an easy-to-digest synopsis of the entirety of the Form’s key definitions, surveying and explaining the pertinent mechanics driving Form 990 preparation tasks. 
Packed with practical tips and perspectives on data gathering, this course is a "must" gateway for beginning and intermediate preparers that will allow participants to appreciate the 990’s  underlying parameters and somewhat convoluted disclosure paths.


• Overview of the Form 990's design and goals behind the Core Form’s and Schedules              
• Address of the key factors that make a third-party organization a "related organization" 
• Exploration of the key definitions comprising Part VII-A’s managers (i.e., “TDOKEs”):  Trustee/Director (TD)/Officer (O)/Key Employee (KE) and “High 5s”, two of which categories are based upon the definition (and magnitude) of "reportable compensation"
• Understanding the definitions of "family member”, “business relationship”, "independence" and “35% controlled entity which are central to both Core Form Part VI and Schedule L                   
• Sequencing of the form's preparation tasks and appreciating who will likely be the providers of relevant caches of data  
• Need for 990-filers to engage a filer’s Board of Directors in understanding what the completed Form 990 conveys to the public and regulators  


Familiarity with the nonprofit sector helpful, but not necessary    

Designed For

Public accounting tax and audit staff, nonprofit organization’s Treasurers, accountants, CFOs, and other compliance advisors     


• Appreciate the public relations and regulatory impact of the 12-page Core Form and the most-common substantive-topic Schedules
• Identify the circumstances "triggering" each of the 15 substantive-topic Schedules 
• Master the six key Glossary Terms that all 990 preparers must be able to apply
• Embrace the impact of Board member’s failure to be "independent" when they are the subject directly or indirectly, of Schedule L reporting 
• Discern the variety of parties most likely to be able to provide preparers with the data necessary to correctly disclose information relating to the 990's inquiries 
• Recognize the value of, and discern approaches appropriate to, public relation sensitive disclosures and presenting the completed form to a filer's Board




Leader Bios

Eve Borenstein, Eve Rose Borenstein, LLC

Eve has practiced law since 1985, operating first for 15 years the Tax Exempt Law Office of Eve Rose Borenstein, LLC, and then, from January 2004 through April 2019, BAM Law Office, LLC (formerly Borenstein and McVeigh Law Office). As of May 1, 2019 Eve is Of Counsel with Harmon, Curran, Spielberg & Eisenberg, LLP, although semi-retired and only handling limited client engagements as of April 2023. In all three firms, her practice has focused almost exclusively on the unique tax and administrative rules applied by the IRS, as well as federal and state agencies, to "tax-exempt" organizations. In addition to practicing law, Eve also has operated since 1990 a teaching and speaking consultancy, Eve Rose Borenstein, LLC (the subject of this site!)

Eve's extensive experience serving exempt organizations and their advisors nationally includes assisting an extraordinarily diverse clientele of organizations of all sizes on planning issues and compliance needs, as well as direct representation before the IRS. Over 30+ years she has represented more than 1,100 organizations on IRS field audit exams, private letter ruling requests, exemption applications and sub-classification determinations, and other status issues.

Eve has long worked to expand exempt organizations' access to quality legal and accounting assistance. With the American Bar Association's Tax Section Committee on Exempt Organizations, the TEGE Exempt Organizations Council and other professional association committees (including those of the AICPA), she has committed thousands of hours to expanding pro bono assistance to the nonprofit sector and to efforts with the IRS relating to improvement of the agency's nonprofit filings and procedures.

Eve's teaching and educational consultancy has long-served nonprofits as well as the CPAs and lawyers who assist the sector. Via CPE course development and instruction, and  speaking and  training engagements, Eve has long committed a significant portion of her work hours to helping the sector "do it right the first time".

Eve is a proud New Jersey native and initially was a New England-transplant (graduating from the University of Rhode Island). She move to Minneapolis in 1982 to attend the University of Minnesota Law School (graduating in 1985), and never left. Her first job after law school was in Ernst & Whinney's Tax Department, where she was mentored in all things EO, after which she began her own law practice (and the rest is history!). She resides in Minneapolis and has two wonderful children (and two grandchildren), all of whom live close by.

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Non-Member Price $140.00

Member Price $115.00