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K2's 2024 Better Reporting With QuickBooks Online



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

AI is an extremely popular topic these days, and for good reason! However, does AI present yet another threat to your privacy? Get answers to this question and more in this session.

Preparing to be a Forensic Accountant - Focus on Digital Forensics



1.5 Credits

Member Price: $59

Forensic accounting, forensic accountancy or financial forensics is the specialty practice area of accounting that investigates whether firms engage in financial reporting misconduct. Forensic accountants apply a range of skills and methods to determine whether there has been financial reporting misconduct. Financial forensic engagements may fall into several categories. For example: Economic damages calculations, whether suffered through tort or breach of contract. Post-acquisition disputes such as earnouts or breaches of warranties Bankruptcy, insolvency and reorganization Securities and tax fraud Money laundering Business valuation Computer forensics/e-discovery This session is designed to delve into further investigative procedures used including digital forensics. Future sessions will focus on computer forensics, network forensics and mobile forensics.  

Surgent's Guide to Understanding the At-Risk Basis Rules and Forms 6198 and 7203



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $99

Many tax clients with losses from their S corporations, partnerships, and multiple-member LLCs treated as partnerships will want to use these losses to offset their other income from other sources. This program explains when, why, and how the at-risk rules apply to allow or to prevent the owner of a pass-through entity from taking a loss from a pass-through entity and using it to offset other income. This program is extremely helpful for anyone with pass-through entity clients.

2024 Topic 842 - Implementing Leases Workshop



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

This updated course offers an in-depth look at the FASB leases standard (ASC 842), which requires organizations to recognize lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. This comprehensive course will cover recognition, measurement, presentation, and disclosure requirements, while also focusing on a critical area of change which is the proper identification of a lease using a principles-based approach. We will discuss implementation requirements from both the lessee and lessor accounting models.  In addition, we explore a variety of scenarios, including short-term leases, purchase options, variable lease payments, and remeasurement. This course offers practical journal entry examples, lessons learned from implementation, and explores recently issued amendments to the lease accounting guidance.

S Corporation Preparation, Basis Calculations & Distributions - Form 1120S Schedule K & K-1 Analysis



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $300

This comprehensive training is designed to get the accountant up to speed quickly with S corporation formation and preparation issues as well as a complete understanding of calculating a shareholder’s stock and debt basis. The cornerstone of this course is the in-depth line-by-line analysis of the Form 1120S Schedule K and K-1 and how these items affect the shareholder’s Federal individual income tax return. **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Strategies for Guiding Clients Through Challenging Situations: Tax Insights



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

In this comprehensive course, practitioners gain a deep understanding of strategic planning considerations and potential hurdles encountered when clients face difficult circumstances. Delving into an array of scenarios often classified as "challenging," the course offers tax insights. From divorce and personal bankruptcy to intricate personal relationship matters, participants will equip themselves to adeptly guide clients through these challenging scenarios by understanding the tax implications.

Will Your Ethics Be Burned by Burnout?



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Ethical behavior is not a destination it is a journey with twists, turns, and bumps in the road. We are faced with ethical dilemmas every day. Do I speed to make it to a meeting? Do I call in sick because I need a break? When does "helping my child with their homework" become "doing it for them"? CPAs are ethical most of the time, but staying ethical is hard. It gets harder when we are under stress. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's 2024 Consumer Electronics Show 2024 - Navigating The Future Of Technology



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Small businesses have better options now than ever before in the market of accounting solutions. Participate in this session to learn more about these options and which might be best for you or your clients.

Securing Your Data with a Password Management App - Updated



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Cybersecurity protection is one of the most important responsibilities of every CPA professional to protect the confidentiality of sensitive client information. While there are many aspects of cybersecurity that need to be addressed, the biggest vulnerability to protect against is unauthorized access to your application login credentials. Once your login credentials are breached, the cybercriminal essentially has the keys to your data kingdom. John Higgins, a national leader in the CPA technology, will demonstrate the ease with which you can protect all of your login credentials with maximum security with minimal expense. You will leave this course prepared to deploy this state of the art security tool in your organization. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Case Studies in Accounting Fraud 2024



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

This course is designed to present the most significant types of financial statement fraud and embezzlement, illustrated through case situations. We'll distinguish financial reporting fraud from misappropriation of assets and highlight common schemes involving one or both types of fraud. We'll also review high-profile cases and other real-world situations to emphasize the CPA's role and responsibility. Get ready to examine the methods used to perpetrate and disguise schemes, how the fraud was detected, and the consequences, and explore the CPA's role in preventing and detecting both types of fraud.

Nuts & Bolts of Estate Planning: Analyzing Your Client's High-End Needs 2024



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

Knowing the basics of advanced estate planning strategies is essential in advising clients with significant wealth who are seeking assistance in developing succession plans to address individual needs. This course reviews transfer and income tax laws, plus available strategies to minimize taxes. Also, we'll discuss the basic structure of advanced strategies, provisions in the governing document that authorize and regulate these strategies, modeling and tracking spreadsheets and software options. To illustrate the concepts discussed, you'll experience a live demonstration of financial planning software, run modeling exercises and review examples of sophisticated estate and business planning scenarios.

Planning for Small Business Success



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Strategic Planning for SMEs

K2's Excel Essentials For Staff Accountants



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $299

Staff accountants have specific needs when working with Excel. Unfortunately, their existing Excel knowledge often does not meet these needs. Chief among these are summarizing data quickly and accurately, generating accurate and aesthetically pleasing reports, and creating accounting-centric calculations for elements such as depreciation, amortization, and interest. By participating in this eight-hour session, staff accountants will gain the essential skills to maximize efficiency and accuracy when working with Excel. This session begins with a quick overview of Excel best practices. It then progresses rapidly into discussions that address PivotTables, sophisticated formulas, Tables, formatting, and working with dates in Excel. Throughout the session, you will learn from accounting-centric examples to reinforce key learning points. In this session, you will learn in a "laptop-friendly" environment, and participants will have access to all the demonstration files. In sum, this seminar is a "must" for all staff accountants seeking to improve their efficiency and accuracy when working with Excel.

K2's 2023 Small Business Internal Controls, Security, and Fraud Prevention and Detection



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

Internal controls are more important than ever, and their importance increases daily. However, internal controls present a challenge for many smaller organizations. This program will teach you how to evaluate, develop, and implement an effective internal control structure in a small business environment. You will identify how to assess risk in smaller organizations and implement preventive, detective, deterrent, and compensating controls to mitigate these risks, even without proper segregation of duties. Additionally, participating in this program will teach you technology-focused techniques for preventing and detecting fraud and securing information systems and sensitive data. For small organizations, maintaining an effective system of internal controls presents a significant challenge. Realistically, implementing many theoretical concepts surrounding internal controls may not be possible in some cases. Consequently, many internal control structures foster an environment where too much risk exists. This factor and uncontrolled information systems can often lead to disastrous results. Participate in this program to learn the necessary insights and tools to design, implement, and monitor effective internal controls, security, and anti-fraud measures in small organizations.

Allison McLeod's 2024 Federal Tax Updates for Business Entities - 8 Hour



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

The tax landscape is constantly changing, challenging tax practitioner to stay abreast of these developments.  This eight hour program will cover issues unique to business entities, including new court decisions, recent IRS publications, and the latest tax legislation that will impact businesses and individuals.  The remaining time will be spent on IRS procedure and other issues. This course will provide a concise look at the hottest topics affecting every tax practitioner.  **Please Note:  If you need credit reported to the IRS for this IRS approved program, please download the IRS CE request form on the Course Materials Tab and submit to

Cultural Transformation



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $55

This course provides a complete framework for transforming the culture in your organization. Key topics covered include: - What is organizational culture - A self assessment - Why culture matters - How to change your culture This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Interaction Between Cost Segregation and 1031 Exchanges 2024



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $49

Cost segregation and tax-deferred exchanges of real estate under IRC 1031 are two of the most valuable tax planning concepts a real estate owner can utilize today. This presentation will provide an overview of Cost Segregation and its benefits as well as an overview of the updates from the Final 1031 regulations from the 2017 Tax Cut and Jobs Act ("TCJA") as well as a discussion on the impacts of the depreciable basis of the replacement property from a 1031 exchange. This course discusses how taxpayers can effectively utilize and maximize their tax deferrals. Companion Course: 179D Today and Tomorrow: The Future of Green Building Tax Incentives

Contract and Procurement Fraud



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

This session will focus on the most common types of fraud in the procurement and contracting arena, with a focus on fraud in construction.  The session will examine fraud vulnerabilities in the four key phases of the procurement process: Presolicitation. Negotiation. Performance. Closeout and Claims.  Within each phase, “red flags” will be discussed.  These are the indicia of possible fraud that managers should be alert for.  Also, within each phase, the most common fraud schemes will be highlighted and discussed.  Finally, the session will describe the generally accepted safeguards or controls that should be established to prevent the various fraud schemes that can occur.  This part of the program will make extensive use of actual fraud case studies designed to demonstrate fraud risks and fraud detection strategies.

The Controllership Series - The Role of the Controller in ESG



1.5 Credits

Member Price: $59

Why do for profit organizations exist??? To make money!!!!! What a great concept. But if the organization does not have the proper collections and credit procedures in place, they may not be able to access that money. Hence the importance of the credit and collection process. Credit and collections are critical areas for the financial statement controllers. Customer credit is a form of payment that allows small business customers to purchase a product or service before paying for it in full. The process works similarly to the way a credit card does - you procure something and pay it back later. Collections is a term used by a business when referring to money owed to that business by a customer. When a customer does not pay within the terms specified, the amount of the bill becomes past due and is sometimes submitted to a collection agency. The sales and collection process includes business activities related to selling products and services, maintaining customer records, billing customers, and recording payments from customers. It also includes activities necessary to manage accounts receivable, such as aging accounts and authorizing credit.  This course delves into the topics that impact the sales, credit and collections process for management. We discuss strategic steps management can take to ensure their processes are efficient and that they are able to actually collect their revenue.  

2024 A Guide to Sampling - Part 2



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Building on Part 1, this course will review the application of sampling in financial statement audits with a focus on sampling for tests of controls. We'll also review the requirements for sampling in Single Audits with a focus on tests of controls and tests of compliance.