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K2's 2024 Business Intelligence, Featuring Microsoft's Power BI Tools



8.0 Credits

Member Price: $225

Business intelligence efforts continue to grow, and Microsoft’s Power BI platform is central to many of these efforts. Participate in this session to learn more about business intelligence and how to create dashboards using Power BI.

ChatGPT and Advanced Financial Analysis for Accountants



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

This course provides a concise overview of how to utilize ChatGPT for advanced financial analysis in accounting. The session reveals how to combine sophisticated evaluation and interpretation of financial data with the cutting-edge AI capabilities of ChatGPT. Aimed at enhancing the understanding of an entity's performance, predicting future financial health, and aiding in informed business decision-making, this course goes beyond basic financial statement analysis to include a wide array of techniques and tools. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

K2's An Accountant's Guide To Blockchain And Cryptocurrency



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

Blockchain technology offers the promise of digital truth. When appropriately implemented, it provides a transparent, permanent, immutable, and high-speed record-keeping system. The possibilities are endless, from managing the logistics of supply chain networks to facilitating international commerce. The adoption of this technology is growing, with millions of new users every year. Organizations adopt this technology daily to help improve their existing operations through its ledger capabilities or by executing smart contracts. Cryptocurrency is one example of blockchain technology, and its growth and value have exploded to over $2 trillion in the last few years. This growth has helped fuel the adoption of Wall Street traders and traditional investors. While more popular than ever, few business professionals understand these technologies and their capabilities, risks, and potential impacts on business operations and processes, such as contract execution, recording and maintaining real estate ownership records, and supply chains. Unfortunately, this incredible technology is a mystery for most accounting professionals. This course will provide an in-depth look at this technology, including a detailed overview of the underlying technology, the benefits, the risks, the major players, and many practical applications. By participating in this session, you will gain a deeper understanding of the inner workings of this technology and recommendations for getting started.

Surgent's Introduction to Forensic Accounting



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

Forensic accounting encompasses fraud investigation and prevention, as well as a wide variety of functions in litigation. Forensic accountants provide services ranging from serving as an expert witness, to litigation consultant and bankruptcy trustee. As our economy grows more complex, the need for forensic accountants grows as well. One critical role of the forensic accountant is exposing and examining financial fraud. Technology expands the way companies conduct business; however, technology also provides greater opportunities for those willing to commit fraud. Forensic accountants rely on their skills in accounting, coupled with their investigative skills, to explain to clients, courts, and jurors how fraudulent schemes occur and the effect caused by fraud. Forensic accountants also provide expert opinions in calculating damages in litigation and administering bankruptcy estates, as well as a host of other services.

Surgent's Understanding Partnership Taxation: Types of Basis, Contributions, and Distributions



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $159

Calculating partnership basis is one of the most important things that we do as practitioners. However, it is also one of the most confusing. When we use the term "basis," we really could be referring to one of three different things. This course will explore the differences between inside basis, outside basis, and 704(b) basis. Through several examples and practice problems, we will show you how to easily distinguish among these terms. We will also explore the tax implications of initial contributions of property to a partnership as well as the different types of partnership distributions.

K2's 2023 Microsoft Teams



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Microsoft Teams is one of the most exciting personal and organizationally productivity tools to ever appear on the business landscape. With Teams, you can communicate and collaborate easily and securely with others, including colleagues outside your organization. Further, you can extend the already-robust functionality in Teams by incorporating add-in solutions with just a few clicks of the mouse. Unfortunately, despite Teams’ power and relatively simple interface, many organizations struggle with deploying and using Teams.  In this session, you will learn how you can get up and running quickly in Teams so that you can take full advantage of this powerful tool. More specifically, you will learn how you can get started in Teams and critical decisions that will affect your deployment. Also, you will learn how to work in Teams, including how to take advantage of the chat, voice, and video call services and how to share documents securely with others. Moreover, you will learn how to extend your Teams platform to external organizations for improved communication and collaboration. Additionally, you will identify how you can add other applications into Teams and optimize Team's configuration for the best overall efficiency and security. If you are working with Teams or plan to do so, this is one CPE session you can’t afford to miss!

Excel - Two Must Know Features: Defined Names & Tables



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Excel has over 500 functions and among those, Defined Names is one of the top choices in creating formulas that make your spreadsheets work better for you. After understanding what they are and how to properly create Defined Names, you will wonder how you managed without them for so long. This course is designed to build the foundation to becoming an Excel Formula Expert. Our focus will be on design techniques that should be used when creating formulas. You will learn how to use Defined Names and Excel Tables as an important and fundamental part of EVERY spreadsheet. You will learn techniques that most advanced users don't implement in their spreadsheets but should. After completing this course, you will be well on your way to becoming an Excel Formula Expert. This session is presented using Excel 2013. Regardless of the version you are using, ALL concepts covered in this course apply to ALL versions of Excel. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Internal Control Changes for Remote Workers



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

For the past two decades the trend has been to move away from brick and mortar offices and have a greater number of people work or telecommute from home. Because of the upheaval caused by recent events, the rate of this move has been accelerated. This has and will continue to create control challenges and organizations must work to address these. Such things as moving from time based employee value to task completion based measurement and the ability to drive needed inter-company communication are just a sample of the issues with which entities must contend. This session looks at the benefits and pitfalls of workers that telecommute. It then discusses important risks and controls to consider as this trend continues and evolves in the business world. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Coaching Skills for Managers and Supervisors



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $139

This one-day course will teach effective skills for coaching and training employees. You'll learn how to identify the characteristics of effective coaches and develop coaching strategies to support and assist your team, with the goal of helping them improve morale, productivity and quality. And, you'll learn a five-step approach for giving constructive criticism while managing defensive reactions.

Responding To Retaliation Concerns and Capturing Key Retaliation Case Metrics



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $39

Individuals may cite retaliatory concerns when weighing their decision to report an issue; during an investigation; or, after an investigation’s conclusion. No matter the timing, when an individual raises a retaliation concern, their claims should be taken seriously and fully reviewed. Does your organization analyze retaliation allegations and investigate outcomes as part of their cultural assessment?   Most organizations track retaliation matters at a general, non-specific level. The type of retaliation and the perceived cause of the retaliatory act are not delineated. When a retaliation matter requires investigation, an organization should gather key data points for trending purposes and to fine tune future training and policy initiatives. This course offers recommendations for (1) framing responses to retaliation allegations (2) capturing key data points (3) developing specific metrics for retaliation matters

Audit 104: Audit Documentation - Workpapers To Pass Review



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

Audit Documentation - Creating Workpapers That Pass Review is an important foundational course. Proper documentation is essential to a high-quality audit and other assurance services, as auditors are required to prepare and maintain documentation to demonstrate that sufficient and appropriate audit evidence was obtained to support the auditor's opinion. It is critical for workpapers to provide a clear understanding of the nature, timing and extent of procedures applied, the results of those procedures, source of evidence obtained, and conclusions reached. Both audit effectiveness and efficiency are directly impacted by the nature and extent of audit documentation. Note: This course is a part of a recommended 16-hour audit skills curriculum for beginning staff. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Top 10 Business Myths and How to Avoid Them



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

Every business has risks, but some myths seem to damage or kill more enterprises than others do. This session will review ten of the most problematic myths that may doom a business and discuss action steps to prevent these myths from holding your business back. This session discusses the common myths, mistakes, risks, and hidden landmines inherent in every business. We will learn from the mistakes of others who often paid a steep price so that we may learn valuable lessons. If you are a leader who wants your business to become even more successful, this session is for you.

Getting On Top of It All: How to Work Smarter, Not Harder - Part 2



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

There is always too much to do and too little time to do it all.  Fortunately, if you know the right ways to manage people, projects and your time, you can get on top of everything by working smarter.  In Part 2 of this seminar we will go into more depth about how to get more done in less time, as well as how to not burnout from all the work you do.  We will discuss additional methods for working smarter through technology, communication, stress reduction, and creating smart and helpful goals.

New Mergers & Acquisitions: Tricks, Traps, & Terrors



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

Welcome to a course that makes the process of M&A easy to understand and easy to implement within your organization or your clients' organization. The course will provide an intensive overview of the M&A process. Focus will be on practical techniques to guide you through the M&A jungle and avoid the traps that have befallen many organizations.

PowerPoint for Accountants



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

PowerPoint is a widely available resource that is potentially underutilized by accountants because many accountants do not stray beyond Excel and Word in the Microsoft Office suite. You will learn how to create and edit a professional PowerPoint slide deck. This session places particular emphasis on efficiency tips and tricks that will allow you to develop creative, professional visual aids while minimizing time and effort. The course's author will share personal insights he has cultivated throughout more than two decades of public speaking. Although the session will focus on creating and editing slides, we will illustrate best practices for presentation delivery. We also will explain how PowerPoint can be used for purposes other than delivering presentations. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Surgent's Data Security: Best Practices to Protect Your Business and Yourself



1.0 Credits

Member Price: $59

Data security is a front-of-mind topic for most businesses because the risk and cost statistics are sobering. Each of us is in the crosshairs because a typical internet-connected computer faces a cyberattack every 39 seconds. Businesses of all sizes should be cognizant of the ethical issues that must be considered when planning their approach to privacy and data security. In this webinar, we will explore both the risks we have traditionally faced in the workplace personally, as well as the novel set of data privacy threats and compliance challenge issues employers face with a remote and mobile workforce.

Applying the New Expected Credit Loss Model



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $79

All entities are subject to the new expected credit loss model established by recent GAAP.  This course will provide highlights of the latest requirements for measurement, presentation, and disclosure.  

AICPA Audit Quality Update and Quality Management Standards



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $89

This session will identify the progress of the AICPA Enhancing Audit Quality Initiative and evaluate whether audit quality is improving. Analyze the trends that are contributing to audit quality and recall the major issues identified and the related resources issued by the AICPA to improve practice quality. This session will also analyze the AICPA's new Statements on Quality Management Standards (SQMS). It will identify the related implementation challenges and timing and evaluate the potential impact on peer review. Learn about AICPA resources for SQMS implementation. This event may be a rebroadcast of a live event and the instructor will be available to answer your questions during the event.

Excel for Accounting Professionals Session 5: Error Trapping and Improving Lookups



2.0 Credits

Member Price: $118

As popular as the VLOOKUP function is, it has limitations. This session walks through the limitations and suggests how to improve the VLOOKUP function. We then discuss how to move beyond VLOOKUP altogether. We spend some time trapping errors with the IFERROR function, which was first rolled out with Excel 2007. The webcast is designed with time for you to work along. This hands-on workshop is an effective way to learn Excel since you'll be completing the same exercises demonstrated by the instructor. A link will be provided, so you can download the necessary Excel files. During the webcast, the instructor will provide time for you to complete the exercises using your Microsoft Excel for Windows. For each topic presented, the instructor explains the topic and demonstrates it with Excel exercises. Then, the instructor provides time for you to complete many of the same exercises. Finally, the instructor demonstrates the solutions for all the exercises in the practice workbook and then moves to the next topic. This format allows you to work along rather than just watch passively, enabling you to immediately practice the skills demonstrated.

K2's Accessing And Managing Data In Excel



4.0 Credits

Member Price: $129

For many business professionals, accessing and managing data in Excel is one of the biggest stumbling blocks when creating reports and analyses. Common practices include far too many manual processes and formulas, including never-ending manual processes needed to update your data and related reports. Make plans now to join us in this session to learn best practices for accessing and managing data using Excel. In this session, you will learn how you can use Power Query and other Excel tools to quickly access and manipulate your data and generate reports in record time! This is a “must-see” session for any business professional working with Excel!