Legislative Updates

To keep FICPA members better informed about the Institute's advocacy efforts, the Governmental Affairs Department will air a series of legislative and regulatory updates. Throughout these updates, we'll highlight the importance of our members to the FICPA's advocacy program.Contribute to the FL CPA

Sarbanes-Oxley Information

Support state societies, legislative bodies and others in seeking a “reasoned approach” to considering changes that fit within a uniform regulatory format for the CPA profession that fosters, rather than inhibits, interstate professional practice. Actively participate in proposed legislative changes

Sales Tax on Services Information

Oppose revenue-based taxes on services provided by CPAs and CPA firms, including, but not limited to, a sales tax on those services. Extending Existing Sales Tax to Non-Taxed Services Where Exclusion Fails to Serve Public Purpose SC05-1564 Advisory Opinion to the Attorney General Re: Extending