Worker Classification and Nonprofit Organizations

Available Anytime
Location: Online
Technical Business
Registration is Open
FICPA Members
$39.00 Regular Price
$54.00 Regular Price
Product Code: FI24-171
Level: Overview
Vendor: Florida Institute of CPAs
Field of Study: Business Law


This course is a presentation on worker classification, primarily in the context of nonprofit organizations. The speaker, Mark Addington, discusses the Department of Labor's role in wage and hour laws, specifically the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and the IRS's 20-part test for determining worker classification. He explains that the interpretation of worker classification is complex and varies among courts, and that the changing landscape of the workforce adds further complexity. He also discusses the potential consequences of misclassifying works as independent contractors, including unpaid overtime wages, liquidatated damages, and unpaid benefits. He provides best practices for mitigating the risk of misclassification and offers his contact information as a resource for labor, employment law, and business-related questions.



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