Microsoft Power BI - Analyze Your Data with Excel Pivot Tables

Available Anytime
Location: Online
Technical Business
Registration is Open
FICPA Members
$105.00 Regular Price
$129.00 Regular Price
Product Code: AI23-PWRBI3
Level: Overview
Vendor: AICPA CPE Division
Field of Study: Computer Software and Applications


Improve your powers of analysis using a pivot table.

This course is the third in the Microsoft Power BI series and is designed to teach participants the importance of the PivotTable tool. This course demonstrates how to create pivot tables to make data analysis an easy task for all accountants. Participants will learn, step-by-step, the process for creating pivot tables and pivot charts for reporting. Set-up options will also be covered.

This session is presented using Excel 2019/Office 365. Regardless of the version you are using, most concepts covered in this course apply to all versions of Excel.

This self-study online course is part of the Microsoft Power BI: Power BI Series.


Learning Outcomes

  • Determine the advantages of using PivotTables to analyze data from multiple dimensions
  • Apply the step-by-step process to create PivotTables
  • Choose the PivotTable options that best fit your needs
  • Use Pivot Charts to present your data graphically for the most effective analysis

Major Topics:

Key Topics

  • Pivot tables for data analysis
  • Pivot table creation
  • Pivot charts


Attended the Prepare Your Data Efficiently course or equivalent