Instructor Biography

Alex Jenkins

Alex Jenkins, CPFA, AIF

Partner, Chief Revenue Officer
NestEggs Retirement Plan Services
Instructor's Course List

About The Instructor

Alex Jenkins is Vice President and Partner at NestEggs 401k -  a bundled Registered Investment Advisor, Third Party Administrator and Independent Record Keeper.  NestEggs 401k builds, administers, provides record keeping and advises over $400M in Qualified assets while serving as §3(16), §3(21) and §3(38) Fiduciaries to the plans they serve. NestEggs empowers CPAs with a customizable, turn-key 401k solution that allows them to weaponize the tax benefits of a qualified plan for their clients. Jenkins is a CPFA®, AIF® and an authority on 401k Plan marketplace. He has been interviewed / published by international money managers on his firm’s work in 401(k) and is a frequent presenter and speaker to State CPA Associations and Chambers of Commerce.