Instructor Biography

Joseph P. Calhoun, Ph.D.

Professor, Chair, Director
Florida State University
Instructor's Course List

About The Instructor

Joseph P. Calhoun is a teaching professor and chair of the Department of Economics at Florida State University.  He is also the Director of the Gus A. Stavros Center for the Advancement of Free Enterprise and Economic Education.  He currently teaches economics and personal finance classes. He regularly presents at national teaching conferences about how to effectively use media and technology in the classroom.  He is a coauthor of Common Sense Economics: What Everyone Should Know About Wealth and Prosperity.  A strong supporter of study abroad programs, he has been privileged to teach in England, Italy, and Spain.  He's also led professional development workshops in Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan.  Professor Calhoun has received an Undergraduate Teaching Award at FSU three times.  His doctoral degree is from the University of Georgia.