Instructor Biography

Gail Gray

Gail Gray, CPA

Technology Partner
Lance, Soll, & Lunghard LLP
Instructor's Course List

About The Instructor

Gail Gray is the Technology Partner at LSL CPS's 
While Gail holds a strong foundation in traditional accounting practices, she also shows a keen interest in integrating modern technology into her field. Her journey into technological innovations started in 2003 with the creation of a unique GASB reporting tool, a testament to her ability to adapt and innovate. 
From 2019, Gail has been exploring the realm of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and overall process modernization. She invests considerable time in researching and working with these emerging technologies, including AI solutions such as ChatGPT, showing her openness to continual learning and advancement. 
This blend of deep-rooted accounting knowledge, coupled with an enthusiastic adoption of cutting-edge technologies, illustrates Gail's balanced and holistic approach to her profession. She gracefully bridges the gap between traditional practices and technological advancements, making her a valuable contributor to the evolving landscape of the industry.