Performance Targets That Deliver Results Without Burnout

Monday, March 10, 2025
Webcast or Webinar, Online
10:00AM - 11:06AM (opens at 9:30 AM) EST

Registration is Open

$39.00 Regular Price
$59.00 Regular Price

CPE PowerPass Users

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$20.00 Members / $28.00 Non-Members
Course Type: Webcast
Course Code: 24/AC746522
Level: Basic
Vendor: ACPEN
Field of Study: Personnel/HR


Performance targets and incentives can drive breathtakingly positive results: the moon landings, the eradication of smallpox, or the repair of the ozone layer, for example. They can also have a dark side that can create stress, overload and anxiety and even drive lawbreaking.

What is the difference between a healthy ‘stretch’ target and one pushes people too far? How can we spot potential problems in advance and systematically design sensible, humane and effective performance targets?

Using practical examples and case studies, Bernie will give you an overview of the essential steps for designing robust, effective, and credible targets for any organization.

Designing effective, practical and realistic performance targets will never be easy, but this session will introduce you to the tools that help make the process clearer, simpler and more consistent.


  • The benefits and limitations of SMART goal setting
  • An understanding of common problems with target design and how these lead to burnout
  • Familiarity with an effective target design methodology
  • Three steps that can be taken straight away to improve target design and reduce burnout

Major Topics:

  • Performance target design
  • Target testing


Major Topics:

  • Performance target design
  • Target testing


Designed For:

All business professionals

