K2'S Emerging Topics In Blockchain And Cryptocurrency

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Webcast or Webinar, Online
2:00 PM - 3:55 PM (opens at 1:30 PM) EST
Technical Business

Registration is Open

$79.00 Regular Price
$109.00 Regular Price

CPE PowerPass Users

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$40.00 Members / $56.00 Non-Members
Course Type: Webcast
Course Code: 24/AC124380
Level: Update
Vendor: ACPEN
Field of Study: Information Technology


Blockchain is one of the most-watched emerging technologies. Yet, few accountants understand how to use this technology to make existing ledger-based systems more efficient, effective, and tamper-resistant. In this session, you will learn the basics of blockchain-based ledgers. You will also learn about the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ripple. Additionally, you will learn about emerging issues in these fields, such as stablecoins, central bank-issued digital currencies, smart contracts, and sovereign identity management. By attending this session, you will see how blockchain-based technologies will change your work with others.


  • Select the correct definitions for key terms associated with blockchain-based ledgers
  • Differentiate the features of a cryptocurrency, a stablecoin, and a central bank-issued digital currency
  • Identify key features associated with a smart contract, distributed finance, and sovereign identity 
  • Select from a list at least three different uses for blockchain-based ledgers covered in the course

Major Topics:

  • Blockchain basics and regulations
  • Cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and blockchain-enabled central bank digital currencies
  • Smart contracts, sovereign identity management, cross-border funds transfer
  • Emerging uses for blockchain-based ledgers

Major Topics:

  • Blockchain basics and regulations
  • Cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and blockchain-enabled central bank digital currencies
  • Smart contracts, sovereign identity management, cross-border funds transfer
  • Emerging uses for blockchain-based ledgers

Designed For:

Business professionals who are seeking to stay abreast of major technology developments


Fundamental understanding of information technology