K2'S CPA Firm Technology For The Future

Saturday, June 29, 2024
Webcast or Webinar, Online
11:00AM - 12:49PM (opens at 10:30AM) EST
Technical Business

Registration is Closed

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$79.00 Regular Price
$109.00 Regular Price
Course Type: Webcast
Course Code: 24/AC120502
Level: Intermediate
Vendor: ACPEN
Field of Study: Information Technology


The next five years are going to be eventful for CPA firms. The profession has never seen such rapid change, with new and changing technologies appearing almost daily! So, what will your firm do?

How can you keep up without getting overwhelmed by these fast-paced transformations in the profession and stay profitable during this turmoil? What are the best technologies to handle client interactions, PBC lists, electronic signatures, and Advisory services? How do the cloud, next-generation accounting software, and client demands affect partner profitability? Attend this session to get an independent overview of the state of technology in the profession.


  • Select new technologies for your firm from a road map
  • List top niche markets
  • Differentiate between products that are ready to implement and those that need time
  • Create a transformative plan for your firm

Major Topics:

  • CPA firm centric hardware
  • Software changes
  • Technology options for your firm
  • Specific technologies to improve productivity and profitability
  • Strategic products to consider for implementation

Major Topics:

  • CPA firm centric hardware
  • Software changes
  • Technology options for your firm
  • Specific technologies to improve productivity and profitability
  • Strategic products to consider for implementation

Designed For:

Business professionals who are seeking to stay abreast of major technology developments


Working knowledge of technology and workflows in CPA firm environments