K2's 2024 What's Now, What's Next - Emerging Technologies

Friday, December 20, 2024
Webcast or Webinar, Online
10:00AM - 12:00PM (opens at 9:30 AM) EST
Technical Business

Registration is Open

$79.00 Regular Price
$109.00 Regular Price

CPE PowerPass Users

Click the "Apply PowerPass" button to use your PowerPass for the applicable course below.
$40.00 Members / $56.00 Non-Members
Course Type: Webcast
Course Code: 24/AC028060
Level: Intermediate
Vendor: ACPEN
Field of Study: Computer Software and Applications


Participate in this session to learn about key emerging technologies, including quantum computing, artificial intelligence, and selfsupervised learning.


  • Identify key emerging technologies discussed in this session
  • Select from a list of choices the best definition for key terms associated with this session
  • Identify at least one of the key emerging technologies from the summary of our 2018 course on this topic, which is in wide use today

Major Topics:

  • Quantum Computing
  • The integration of physical and digital experiences
  • Self-supervised learning
  • Synthetic data and its implications for AI training

Major Topics:

  • Quantum Computing
  • The integration of physical and digital experiences
  • Self-supervised learning
  • Synthetic data and its implications for AI training

Designed For:

Accounting professionals who have decision-making or influence on the use of accounting technology in their organization


Fundamental knowledge of basic business-related technologies